Ashby Therapy Services

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What can Occupational Therapy Help with?

Occupational Therapists believe that human beings have an innate, deep and inherent need for meaningful occupation to have health and wellbeing. But what can Occupational Therapy help with?

What Training Does an Occupational Therapist have?

In Australia, Occupational Therapists are regulated by the Occupational Therapy Board, through AHPRA who ensure that all practitioners are registered, and meet certain standards to ensure you are able to trust in the quality of your health professionals. To be registered you need to have completed 1000 hours of clinical placement, a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy or Masters of Occupational Therapy, and have met the competency standards to work as an OT.

Each year they must continue to participate in ongoing professional development to ensure that the standard of care you receive is up to date and reflecting the most current evidence based practices.

What areas do Occupational Therapists work in?

OT’s work in so many areas of practice, and even more where they may be working under other job titles but still using the unique skills and perspectives from their Occupational Therapy training. Some of these areas of practice include; disability, paediatrics, hand therapy, community, aged care, equipment prescription, burns, oedema management, rehabilitation, neurology and ABI, mental health, pain management, home modifications, occupational justice, occupational rehab, driving assessments, palliative care and more.

While some of these areas have overlap some are specialty areas requiring additional training to be able to work within, and it is why operating within scope is so important.

It is important to check what your OT is experienced with working in, as it is not appropriate nor the case that all OT’s can do everything listed above.

What can my Occupational Therapist help me with?

Depending on the area of practice and your needs will impact what your OT can support you with. All OT’s have the understanding that doing what it is important and matters to you, impacts your health and wellbeing.

Your OT will complete an assessment with you, listen to your goals, and make a plan together help you reach your goals.

The Occupational Therapists at Ashby Therapy Services, in Bundaberg are able to help you to succeed in your goals, providing community based OT supports. With an interest in rehabilitation, neurology & ABI, our OT’s are uniquely qualified in these areas however they also have experience in aged care; DVA; working with neurodivergent clients including autism , ADHD; minor home modifications; report writing for NDIS and insurance clients; clinical supervision of other occupational therapists; cognitive rehabilitation and acquired brain injury; equipment prescription including powered wheelchairs, hoists, and beds; pressure care prescription; dementia supports; home visits; paediatrics 3-18; vision impairment; supporting communication skills and collaboration with other disciplines; increasing capacity with activities of daily living (ADLs) and much more.

You can see here what the Ashby Therapy Services OT’s have listed for current services, or contact us to enquire about a support not listed.

Connect with an Occupational Therapist today

Whether it is Counselling, Psychology, Occupational Therapy or Physiotherapy; making sure you connect with your therapist is important. You need to feel safe to share, ask questions and be honest with the OT so they are able to make sure any treatment plans or therapy programs will be tailored to meet your needs & achieve your goals.

It is as satisfying as the clinician or therapist working with someone to see them succeed and reach their goals as it is for the client to be able to see and feel the improvement in the activities that matter most.

If you have any questions or would like to connect to schedule an appointment or learn more about the therapy services available in Bundaberg, we would love to hear from you and look forward to being a part of your journey towards a happier, healthier and more fulfilled life.